
Welcome to the Tortorella Law Firm website

Consultancy and legal assistance in Italy in civil law, real estate law, succession law, credit recovery, over-indebtedness procedures, commercial law, real estate executions, family law and separations and divorces.

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Sectors of activity


Real estate

Our Law Firm is able to provide its advice and assistance in every operation of real estate – like drafting typical and atypical agreements; acquisitions and sales of properties; leases for residential and commercial use; condominium and co-ownership etc.


Our Law Firm is able to provide its advice and assistance for every aspect of family life, both in the case of protection of the family’s assets – such as, for example, the constitution of patrimonial agreements between spouses – and in the case of breakage of family relationships – for example, in case of consensual or judicial separation and divorce, possibly through the assisted negotiation procedure.


Our Law Firm is able to provide its advice and assistance for every aspect related to the succession of a subject and precisely assistance in relation to wills; determination of the shares of legitimate succession and indication of legitimated subjects; biological will (D.A.T.); designation of a guardian (and the stage in which the heirs will take over the assets of the de cuius) drafting the declaration of succession; assistance to the heirs for execution of the testamentary dispositions; hereditary division agreements; agreements for the reintegration of legitimate etc.


Our Law Firm is able to provide its advice and assistance for any kind of ordinary corporate transaction – agency contracts; company lease and sale contracts; sales of shares.

Compensation and debt collection

Our Law Firm is able to provide its own legal advice and assistance in order to recover credit of any kind – through the enforcement, real estate or third-party enforcement procedures; application to start insolvency proceedings, etc. – and for compensation for contractual or non-contractual damages – derived from tortious liability; excessive duration of the trial (Pinto Law), liability for injury from road accidents.